01/ Step on the Bafalgari-Shikta road from Paschimpara village Kamal's Khulian towards Jalil's house. Allotment-308000/-
02/ Construction of classrooms of Punat Darul Uloom Dakhil Madrasah. Allotment-400000/-
01/ Step on the Bafalgari-Shikta road from Paschimpara village Kamal's Khulian towards Jalil's house. Allotment-308000/-
02/ Construction of classrooms of Punat Darul Uloom Dakhil Madrasah. Allotment-400000/-
01/ Step on the Bafalgari-Shikta road from Paschimpara village Kamal's Khulian towards Jalil's house. Allotment-308000/-
02/ Construction of classrooms of Punat Darul Uloom Dakhil Madrasah. Allotment-400000/-
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS